Pan-fried Scallion Pies (蔥花餡餅)

Pan-fried Scallion Pies (蔥花餡餅)

Taiwanese-style scallion pies (蔥花餡餅) are a tasty street food you can find in the streets of Taiwan. These pies are made with aromatic scallions wrapped in a flour dough and pan-fried to crispy on the outside and juicy and soft on the inside. They’re great for breakfast with a cup of almond or rice or soy milk on the side!

P.S. these yummy pies are kidney and renal-diet friendly! They’re lower in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus content. And, they’re vegan-friendly too!

<INGREDIENTS> makes 10

For the dough:

3 cups all purpose flour, sifted 

1 teaspoon sugar 

1/2 teaspoon sea salt 

1 cup hot water 

For the filling: 

4 bunches scallions, finely chopped 

1 tablespoon sesame oil

1 tablespoon olive oil 

1 tablespoon rice cooking wine

1 teaspoon white pepper

1 teaspoon sugar

1/4 teaspoon sea salt 

Optional: black and white sesame seeds to add on the top surface of the scallion pies. ***Note: for people who are following renal diet and watching their phosphorus intake, add only a tiny pinch of the sesame seeds as they are higher in phosphorus content.


1. For the dough: mix the sifted flour, salt, and sugar in a large mixing bowl, then add and mix in the hot water gradually. Mix and knead until dough is shiny and smooth. Cover and let the dough rest for 30 minutes. 

2. Mix and combine all of the filling ingredients together in a large bowl. Cover for at least 30 minutes to let the scallions marinade in the seasonings. 

Optional: take a 20 to 30-minute nap while waiting for the dough to rest and scallions to marinade. 😉

3. Form the dough into a log, then cut into 10 pieces. Form each piece into a round disk shape, then roll out each disk-shaped dough into a thin circle, about 6 inches in diameter, using a rolling pin. Sprinkle the rolling surface and rolling pin lightly with flour to prevent sticking while rolling out the dough.

4. Place a generous scoop of the scallion filling in the middle of each rolled out circle-shaped dough and wrap by pinching and sealing the edges of the dough together to form a ball. Then pat down the ball shape gently to make a round disk. Optional: sprinkle and pat down some sesame seeds on top of the dough. 

5. Heat about 1 tablespoon of cooking oil in a large sauté pan until shimmering for cooking 4 pies at a time. Pan fry the scallion pies in low heat until golden brown on both sides, about 4 minutes cooking on each side. Repeat for rest of the pies. They can also be stored frozen and pan-fried later. 

6. Serve them on a plate and enjoy while warm! Optional: you can also serve them with some black vinegar and red chili sauce for extra flavor! 

Happy eating! 🙂

If you make this recipe, take a picture and tag @lifeissweetwithem and hashtag it #lifeissweetwithem on Instagram, I’d love to see your creation!

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