Braised Pork Over Rice

Braised Pork Over Rice

Having worked with many kidney patients as a registered dietitian, I see many patients often struggle when it comes to finding the balance between being able to enjoy tasty foods and sticking to the kidney diet recommendations. I hope this tasty creation of low-sodium braised pork over rice served with cabbage stir-fry, green bean stir-fry, and half braised egg would help lessen that struggle and give an idea to anyone who just wants to know how to make delicious Taiwanese-style braised pork rice at home!

Some nutrition facts: cabbage, carrot, green beans, and onion are all lower potassium vegetables if you’ve been advised to watch your potassium intake by your doctor. The portion of proteins (pork & egg) shown here is about 1.5 oz, which is meant for non-dialysis folks. Double the protein portion if the person you’re serving is on dialysis. Kidney patients can definitely enjoy a tasty and colorful meal too!!!

<INGREDIENTS> for ~8 servings

Braised pork:

  • 1 lb ground pork loin
  • 1/3 cup diced onion
  • 1 shallot
  • five spice powder (or combining Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, star anise, cloves, fennel seeds in a spice bag)
  • 1 tbsp low-sodium soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1/4 tsp white pepper
  • small pinch of sea salt

Instruction: combine everything in a pot and add just enough water to cover about 3/4 of all the ingredients and cook over medium-low heat for about 45-60 minutes. Stir about 1-2 times during cooking.

Cabbage stir-fry:

  • chopped cabbage
  • sliced carrots
  • sliced garlic
  • oil
  • tiny pinch of sea salt

Instruction: heat oil over medium heat, add in garlic to sauté until the kitchen is filled with aromatic garlic fragrance! Then add in cabbage and carrots and a tiny pinch of salt. Stir-fry until the vegetables are cooked to the texture of your desire.

Green bean stir-fry:

  • green beans
  • diced onion
  • garlic, minced or sliced
  • oil

Instruction: heat oil over medium heat, add in garlic to sauté until the kitchen is filled with aromatic garlic fragrance! Then add in onion and green beans and stir-fry until the vegetables are cooked to the texture of your desire.

Braised eggs:

  • marinate hard boiled eggs in the braised pork broth

Instruction: add hard boiled eggs into the pot of braised pork when pork is cooked about 1/3 way through. Braise the eggs in the pork broth for at least 30-40 minutes or longer for more flavor if desired.

Happy cooking and eating everyone!


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